The IT Guide to Data Security and Governance

No business continuity plan could have prepared IT leaders for the global pandemic.

COVID-19 threw the spotlight on digital — for both its strengths and shortcomings. On the one hand, CIOs became instant pioneers in digital transformation — critical leaders with visions for moving brick-and-mortar operations online and saving company legacies.

On the other hand, virtual spaces created new territory for cyberattacks, data leaks, company breaches, and internal threats. Phishing attempts rose 600% and cloud-based attacks rose 630%, according to a 2020 report from IBM. The cost of data breaches averages $3.86 million in the United States, let alone the nonmonetary erosion of company buy-in, brand integrity, and trust. Chief information officers (CIOs) and chief information security officers (CISOs) now face exponential pressure to not only keep the lights on but also address monumental demands that could determine the future of their company.

As companies go all-digital, it’s important to stay safe, secure, and compliant. Our goal is to show you how to create trusted digital environments so that your company can feel secure in a work-from-anywhere world. We want everyone within your organization to understand their important role in security. And we want to equip you with resources that eliminate virtual vulnerabilities.