For the fifth edition of the State of the Connected Customer report, Salesforce Research surveyed 13,020 consumers and 3,916 business buyers worldwide to discover:
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As I write this note, businesses across all industries and geographies are wrapping up a year of extraordinary change, challenge, and consequence that few of us could have predicted. While no role is left untouched by our global health and economic crises, service organizations have experienced particular upheaval.
All organizations are leaning on digital technologies more than ever before. As companies approach the intersection of legacy and digital technologies and processes, many are struggling to integrate the two. The result is safety issues, interruption of operations, and cybersecurity risk.
When sales reps tell me that they can’t carve out time to work on professional development because they’re scrambling to hit their sales quota, I tell them: I get it. You’re too busy trying to keep your job.
The connection of an electrical installation to a MV utility distribution network is always realized by means of a dedicated MV substation usually designated ‘Main substation’. Depending on its size and specific criteria, mainly related to the loads (rated voltage, number, power, location, etc.), the installation may include additional substations designated ‘Secondary substations’.
Climate change is considered a threat by 70% of people worldwide, and the level of concern is on the rise. Meanwhile, the coronavirus pandemic has underscored the urgent need to protect the world in which we live. In the face of these threats, the importance of digital solutions, not only to delivering efficiencies, but also to ensuring resiliency, safety, and sustainability has become ever more acute.
Operational technology (OT) is the heartbeat of manufacturing, and it’s becoming more advanced-and complex-every year. The Industrial Internet of Things (lloT) and Industry 4.0 ore driving digitization foster than ever before. Most plant environments hove become a highly interconnected environment of smart sensors, connected technologies, and data analytics.
As the Internet of Things (IoT) continues to gain momentum, it’s no surprise that many industries are looking for new, innovative ways to derive value from incoming data to transform their maintenance operations. But to truly reap these benefits, it’s important to recognize that grabbing as much data as you can from your assets isn’t enough. You need an intelligent platform that can turn this information into action.
Today’s manufacturers must navigate an environment of ongoing uncertainty. However, manufacturers often lack line of sight and agility across their value chain, resulting in disconnected operations. Download this white paper to learn how every step in your manufacturing value chain plays a role in making your organization more resilient.
Muchas empresas ahora están informando sobre sostenibili-dad como un complemento de los informes financieros. Están comunicando sucompromiso con los programas Ambientales, Sociales y de Gobernanza (ESG).